Search Results

Results for "main_practice: "Love", latest_content: 1"
The Love of Thousands A guide to finding companions beyond the visible world.
bell hooks' Spiritual Vision The importance of consistent practice.
bell hooks' Spiritual Vision Teachings on love as an expansive spiritual practice.
Holy Runaways God as a gentle wind.
Grandpa's Window A sensitive depiction of a child's grief eased by her art.
National Grandparents Day DVDs that celebrate the vital connection between grandparents and grandchildren.
Remembering Crazy Horse (PDP) Honoring the Sioux warrior known to his people more for his charity than his skills on the battlefield.
Prayer For a Lonely Day A prayer ritual for uniting with all the lonely ones of the world.
Utmost Charity: A Call to Deeper Love On Demand: An exploration of how we can live an inside-out life rooted and grounded in Love and for Love.
The Showings of Julian of Norwich Julian of Norwich on the unity of God's love for the creation and the creation's love for God.